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PrestaShop OSS-Plugin

Powered by medani gmbh

The upcoming change on July 1, 2021 to the EU One-Stop-Shop (also called EU-OSS) is relevant for every operator of an online shop, provided that the intra-community (i.e. within the EU) mail order sales exceed the threshold of € 10,000 net within one year. If this is the case, cross-border deliveries within the EU to end consumers – so-called distance sales – must be taxed in the country of destination from July 1, 2021. As one of the leading PrestaShop agencies in the D-A-CH area, we are happy to offer you our help with the changeover.


See the PrestaShop-Demo
What do I have to change in my online shop for OSS?
The respective tax rates must be stored for all countries so that the sales tax is calculated with the correct tax rate in the checkout and when invoicing. Necessary steps for this: editorial creation and assignment of the standard and reduced tax rates to the respective countries. With our PrestaShop Plugin many of the required changes will be implemented automatically. You can find further information below. If you have any additional questions please contact:

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

For which PrestaShop versions does the module work?

The plugin is compatible for PrestaShop 1.6. – Note: If you have made major changes in the PrestaShop code it might affect the plugin.

The right price (gross) will be included also in transactional e-mails when the customer buys something and he/she gets the e-mail with the details?

The right price (and tax) will be displayed in the order config e-mail (the same price & tax which are displayed in the checkout).

„All existing tax rates will be removed“. What does this mean? Is this setting/configuration required?

With the plugin the (pre-installed) prestashop tax rates will be deleted and new grouped (standard vat & reduced vat) tax rates will be installed. You will need to start the configuration in order to get the correct standard and reduced vat for each country. Your products will not be deleted but if you delete the tax rates, the calculation does not work. In general you don’t need to delete the tax rates.

Do I need to create the european vat rules? How do I make sure the prices stay the same in the front end, when different vat rules are applied?

The vat rates for each european country are grouped in standard vat and (when available) reduced vat. By choosing the standard vat or reduced vat in the product configuration, the according standard or reduced vat will be applied, based on your geo-ip or shipping adress. When the price and tax calculation ist enabled, you can check the front end by changing the shipping adress and reloading the page.

How are the prices and vat rate is stored in the corresponding table?

After our changes we store the new values as PrestaShop would handle it itself. All available tax rates can be found in ‚ps_tax‘ table. In ‚ps_order_detail_tax‘ you can find the coresponding order detail id’s to our tax rules and the tax amounts of this order.

Does it also apply the correct vat rate to the shipping fee?

Yes, when in the shipping options the standard tax rate is set – the tax rate of the shipping country will be applied.

How does the module calculate the price?

First you need to configure all different tax rates for standard rate and reduced rate, and then you need to setup a „standard rate“ tax rule group, and a „reduced rate“ tax rule group. The module can do that for you. But you can setup many more tax rule groups, when its necessary. And you have to set up our module and set the base country for your product prices.

How does the module work?

Every time, when PrestaShop does a price calculation, our module recalculates the net price. (Product default net price -> Calculate gross price with default country tax.)

Is my tax rate automatically imported?

Recalculate net price based on the current user country tax rate. It does not matter if geo location is activated or not. Only the tax value changes.

OSS Installation:

1. Create the tax rule groups (standard, and reduced if necessary)
2. Configure the tax rule groups at the module configuration panel
3. Use the tax configuration feature to configure all the different taxes
4. Install the code snippets*
5. Delete cache (backoffice)
6. Delete the /var/cache folder manually
7. Change the cookie.php class (end all existing sessions)
8. Have fun

*Instructions – How and where do I add the code snippets:

You can find the code snippets via your preferred FTP access at

You need the cart.php and product.php files
The code you have to insert starts with the comment:

 /*** Insert following code ***/ 
 /*** medani – OSS Price Calculation ** Start ***/ 

and ends with

 /*** medani – OSS Price Calculation ** End ***/ 

The rest of the code serves as a guide so that you know exactly where to insert the code snippets.


The next step is to add the codes to the respective files, below you will find the path to the files:

  • shopdomain/classes/cart.php
  • shopdomain/classes/product.php

Under “Configuration” you can then set “Price and tax calculation enabled” to “yes” if the prices are to be displayed uniformly in the different countries.
If the button is set to “no”, the tax is calculated correctly for each country, here the tax is “calculated on the net price”, so the price can look unattractive depending on the tax rate.


  • Translation of the country name to german
  • Configuration of all europan tax rates (standard and default reduced rate) with 1 click.
    (It is necessary to set up these two tax group rules first.)
  • Change the price calculation.
    You need to set the default country.
    The module calculates the „new“ net price following the tax configuration from this country, so that every product has the same gross price for every country.
    You need to properly install some core overrides.

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medani OSS Plugin
Interested in our PrestaShop module?

If you are interested in our PrestaShop module please do not hesitate to contact us below. We are happy to answer all your questions and support you.
